The Baku Forum on Sustainable Development has been organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Economy

On June 28, the next meeting of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held in the Cabinet of Ministers under the chairmanship of Ali Ahmadov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development.

At the event, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development Ali Ahmadov discussed the reconciliation of national priorities with the Sustainable Development Goals, the preparation of the Voluntary National Report to be presented to the UN High-Level Political Forum in 2019, and the goals arising from the Sendai Framework Document on Disaster Risk Reduction. (2015-2030) and emphasized the importance of discussing other issues.

Deputy Minister of Economy Sevinj Hasanova emphasized the importance of expanding international and regional partnership in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and noted that the Baku Forum on Sustainable Development will be organized in October this year. Within the framework of the event, the adoption of the Baku Declaration on the results of the "Integration, acceleration and policy support" mission and the signing of a cooperation agreement by the Government of Azerbaijan and the UN Economic Commission for Europe are envisaged.

Huseyn Huseynov, Secretary of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, Head of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Economy, Huseyn Huseynov reported on the work done in the field of aligning state programs covering socio-economic fields with the Sustainable Development Goals.

At the event, opinions were exchanged on the implementation of the goals arising from the Sendai Framework Document on Disaster Risk Reduction at the national level, as well as the preparation of a national strategy on disaster risk reduction, and it was decided that the overall coordination of this document would be carried out by the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development.

In order to organize the Baku Forum on Sustainable Development, it was decided to create a working group under the leadership of the Ministry of Economy and prepare the second Voluntary National Report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Sustainable Development Goals.

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