A seminar on nationalization and prioritization of Sustainable Development Goals was held

A 3-day seminar on nationalization and prioritization of Sustainable Development Goals is being held in Baku under the organization of the Ministry of Economy and the UN representative office in Azerbaijan.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ali Ahmadov, opened the event with the participation of state officials, public organizations, UN specialized agencies, and representatives of youth organizations with an introductory speech, emphasizing the importance of the process of aligning national priorities with global goals and objectives and the activities of working groups created to accelerate this process. emphasized its efficiency. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that as a result of the discussions, 17 goals, 107 targets, and 150 indicators were initially selected for the country, and a Rapid Comprehensive Assessment was conducted by the UN to adapt the Sustainable Development Goals to various strategic programs implemented in Azerbaijan. 31 short- and medium-term state programs, sectoral strategies and relevant action plans were used in the assessment, and at the same time, it was brought to attention that 8 medium- and long-term strategies, programs and action plans, up to 30 normative-legal acts, international agreements and contracts were reviewed. .

Ghulam Ishaqzai, the head of the UN mission in Azerbaijan, said that the event will contribute to the discussion of issues that may arise in the direction of the promotion and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan, and that local and international experts, as well as representatives of government bodies, the private sector and civil society, are the main partners in the implementation of the "2030 Agenda". noted.

In her speech, Deputy Minister of Economy Sevinj Hasanova emphasized the importance of expanding international and regional partnership in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sevinj Hasanova informed the participants of the event that the Baku Declaration on the results of the "Integration, acceleration and policy support" mission will be adopted within the framework of the event, as well as that Azerbaijan will be the first country to submit the second voluntary national report in the region in 2019.

At the event, international experts shared their experiences on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of other countries.

The seminar continues its work.

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