Republican Innovation Competition - 2018

In order to promote the goals of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030, encourage innovation, as well as to support the implementation of the "Azerbaijan 2020: Vision of the Future" Development Concept and Strategic Roadmaps for the main sectors of the national economy and economy, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, The Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, the State Agency for Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Delegation to the United Nations jointly announce the Second Republican Innovation Competition.

Projects covering the following areas and reflecting innovative ideas are accepted for the competition:


innovative start-up and business incubator;
technology and innovative production methods that can create high added value;
advanced engineering to build sustainable infrastructure and cities;
innovative idea or business project in the field of tourism, banking and insurance;
propaganda that will ensure the participation of all layers of society in socio-economic, cultural and public life;
new technological equipment and methods that will increase economic productivity;
less capital-intensive infrastructure;
nanomaterials, nanotechnologies and their application;
IT (IoT) solutions in the field of public service provision;
ICT innovation.

innovative social services;
innovative idea of ​​mutual cooperation between public and private sector and vocational education institutions;
labor organization and organizational culture;
an innovative idea or mechanism related to active labor market and employment measures;
social infrastructure and innovation in public life;
innovative projects aimed at improving the services provided in the field of health and education;
protection of cultural and natural heritage;
development of opportunities for vulnerable groups of the population (children, youth, disabled, etc.) and promotion of gender issues;
settlement planning and management;
improving the quality of utility services;
solutions for the integration of vulnerable groups (children, youth, disabled, etc.) into society;
implementation of innovative ideas and solutions on the use of open data;
IT solutions in city management (Smart City);

green economy;
environmentally friendly agricultural production;
environmentally friendly transport;
building an electronic agricultural system;
building and raising awareness of early warning systems against climate change and natural disasters;
eco-friendly city life;
environmental technology or public innovation;
waste disposal;
energy efficiency;
use of alternative energy sources (wind, sun, etc.);
waste-free or low-waste technology;
efficient and ecological use of food waste;
effective local climate change planning and management;
marine and coastal ecosystems;
protection, restoration and sustainable use of forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands;
conservation of biodiversity.

Feasibility study;
Prioritization of fields;
Economic efficiency;
Feasibility of implementation.

Candidates who want to participate in the competition can submit their projects on the "Idea Bank" platform of the State Agency for Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan until September 20, 2018. For this, you can register on the website, select the "2018-Innovations" competition, fill out the provided form and send your project.


First place (a prize) - 5,000 (three thousand) manats;
Second place (a prize) - 3,000 (two thousand) manats;
Third place (a prize) - 2,000 (thousand) manats.
In order to implement and implement approved projects within the framework of the competition, the Competition Commission will support the promotion of various state institutions, organizations and business entities. At the same time, in addition to the main award, incentive awards for projects approved by the Commission are provided.